Editor's Letter: March


Hello Friends,

Welcome to March!

Calendrically, March sees the Northern hemisphere head well and truly out of winter and into warmer and lighter days with the arrival of the spring equinox on March 20th.

During the equinox (literally “Equal Night” from the Latin Aequs meaning “equal” and Nox meaning “night”), the sun crosses the celestial equator, and for a brief moment the balance between the polarities of day and night is struck, before the steady passage through the seasons continues, and we head gradually towards longer days and shorter nights.

With the sun’s return to strength, life on our side of the earth - after months of quiet dormancy - begins to flourish once again. You only have to look around you to see the flirtatious touch of our most important star coaxing life into the new shoots and wildflowers, and calling the landscapes, blossom and birds to rally to its cause of renewal, fresh starts, and awakened potential.

Allowing ourselves to be guided - as always - by nature; spring offers us an opportunity to gently awake from our own winter hibernation. With its optimistic colours and promise of coming warmth, we are tempted to tentatively unfurl our Selves, shed some metaphysical layers and venture out into the world. Spring is a time for dusting ourselves off and stepping into the new, whatever that might be for you.

So what does this look like in practice?

  • I encourage you to spend some time this month, as your human form is carried to the tipping point of the equinox, to reflect on what visions/ dreams /callings are stirring within and longing to be nurtured by the light of your attention. Choose to be intentional in the way that you move through the world, and decide for yourself, what is it that you want to see blossom and bloom? Journaling, vision boarding, etc. are all good ways to explore this. And if you haven’t already, then claim your free intention tiles below that can be used as backgrounds/screensavers and act as little reminders of what you are nurturing.

  • Further your connection to your own intentions by planting some actual seeds, there’s advice on what and how HERE. The plants/shoots/blooms will serve as visual reminders of your spring intentions. You could choose from:

    • Beautiful flowers

    • Cooking herbs

    • Edible vegetables

    • Decorative succulents

    • A tree you’ll nurture over the years

  • And lastly, create some space for the new, by carving out some time for some good old Spring cleaning. Get rid of anything that does not serve a purpose or bring you joy, Marie Kondo style. Let a fresh breeze blow through your house.

 I’ll leave you with the ever eloquent words of Mary Oliver, whose recent passing saddened me. I’m so grateful for her words. 

Why I Wake Early

Hello, sun in my face.

Hello, you who made the morning

and spread it over the fields

and into the faces of the tulips

and the nodding morning glories,

and into the windows of, even, the

miserable and the crotchety –

best preacher that ever was,

dear star, that just happens

to be where you are in the universe

to keep us from ever-darkness,

to ease us with warm touching,

to hold us in the great hands of light –

good morning, good morning, good morning.

Watch, now, how I start the day

in happiness, in kindness.”

― Mary Oliver

‘Til next time,

Blue Skies,

Jasmine xXx

Balance Garden Editor

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Fancy a week of sun, sea and….yoga? Join Jasmine for a week of Yin and Yang yoga (May 21st - 28th 2019) in Corfu with Just Relax Yoga Holidays. (Mention her name when you book)

Jasmine Pradhan is the editor and co-founder of Balance Garden, and is also a London based yoga teacher you can find her on instagram @stretchandthecity or on her website www.stretchandthecity.co.uk

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