Editor's Letter: January


Hello Friends,

Happy New Year!

What's in store for you in 2019?

Have you given it much thought?

I hope that you find some time over the next few days to reflect on the year we've just seen off, to allow all the celebrations and shadows of 2018 to make themselves known so that you can consciously choose what is to be symbolically left behind and what is to be carried forwards into this new year.  

So much of moving intentionally forwards is about cultivating awareness of the current situation, in this case, awareness of the year just gone. Once we are aware of where we actually are and how it feels to be there, we can begin to 'aspire' from a clear place and dream our future into being with more meaning and integrity.

I'm not a big fan of resolutions, they tend to be harsh and unrealistic and can often set us up for failure before we've had a chance to realise them fully. Instead, I find it helpful, and altogether much kinder, to focus on what I'm calling in more of, rather than what I'm going to struggle to give up.

Get quiet for a few minutes, and feel into it; What would you like more of in 2019? What is the lens that you will frame everything through to see if it's a good fit for you this year? What are you yearning for? What are you ready to step in to?

In this month’s newsletter I’ve sent out some free downloadable intention prompts that can be printed or used as digital backgrounds.

If you’d like to receive them too just pop you email in the box below and we’ll get them sent over to you!

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We will send your tiles to you in the confirmation email. You will also be added to our love letter list. We never spam :-)

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To come this month we have some more great health and wellbeing articles, plus The 2019 Feel Good Challenge to fend off the winter blues.

‘Til next time,

Blue Skies

Jasmine xXx

Balance Garden Editor

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Fancy a week of sun, sea and….yoga? Join Jasmine for a week of Yin and Yang yoga (May 21st - 28th 2019) in Corfu with Just Relax Yoga Holidays. (Mention her name when you book)

Jasmine Pradhan is the editor and co-founder of Balance Garden, and is also a London based yoga teacher you can find her on instagram @stretchandthecity or on her website www.stretchandthecity.co.uk

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