Editor's Letter: August


Hello Friends,

Happy August to you!

Hope you're all enjoying the beautiful sunshine? We LOVE it, but it's also taking it out of us a bit. The long hot days, and ample opportunities for socialising are gradually heading us towards depletion and potential burn out. This high energy season is the perfect time to integrate some gentler self care practices into our routine, like yin yoga, or Yoga Nidra, or simply paring down the to-do list a bit and giving yourself time to really switch off and replenish.

Balance Garden continues to expand in various directions and we're excited to be adding some more regular columns into the already juicy mix, including "Taste" (restaurant reviews), "Third Spaces" (interesting places to visit), and "Giveaways" that are in line with our vision and ethos, such as tickets to the Make More Festival which takes place over five days during the August Bank Holiday weekend and will be home to a diverse collection of makers and creators hosting workshops and interactive session on everything from clay throwing to graffiti to cookery classes.

Make More celebrates so many of our core values, which include creativity, community, and connection. They are key factors in our overall wellbeing and are ultimately about feeling free and experiencing pleasure. When we make time for those things in our lives, it helps us to naturally balance out the stresses of work and life’s other pressures.

How would you like to go along for free? We have a pair of day tickets worth £70 up for grabs

Enter the Competition Here

In other news, our pop up studio sadly couldn't go ahead due to issues with the landlords. Such a shame, but also an excellent opportunity to practice the art of going with the flow, and not getting to caught up in feeling bad about the things we cannot change. It's actually freed up so much time for galavanting around the countryside with good friends, and expanding BG in other, equally fun directions so there is definitely a silver lining.

Amazing stuff coming up this month, serendipitously we have several pieces about creativity, and how to tap into yours, as well as our regular mindfulness column, Mudra of the month, delicious plant based recipes, and tips from our wise team of coaches, plus much more.


P.S If you want to get this monthly letter to your inbox, you can sign up just below, it always includes last month's highlights easily displayed in case you missed anything, and is also the first place we announce giveaways.

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Jasmine Pradhan is the editor and co-founder of Balance Garden, and is also a London based yoga teacher you can find her on instagram @stretchandthecity or on her website www.stretchandthecity.co.uk